TFT Helper


Never miss another champion or forget how to craft

Craftable Items

BF Sword: +20 AD
Needlessly Large Rod: +20% Spell Damage
Recurve Bow: +20% AS
Tear of the Goddess: +20 Mana
Chain Vest: +20 Armour
Negatron Cloak: +20 Magic Resist
Giant's Belt: +200 HP
Golden Spatula: ???
BF Sword: +20 AD
Infinity Edge: Critical Strikes deal +100% damage
Hextech Gunblade: Heal for 25% of all damage dealt
Divine Sword: Each second: 5% change to only Critical Strike
Spear of Shojin: After spell cast: Attacks give 20% of max Mana
Guardian Angel: Wearer gets revived with 300 HP (one time)
Bloodthirster: attacks heal for 50% of damage
Zeke's Herald: Adjacent allies gain +10% AS
Youmuu's Ghostblade: Wearer is also an Assasin
Needlessly Large Rod: +20% Spell Damage
Hextech Gunblade: Heal for 25% of all damage dealt
Rabadon's Deathcap: +50% AP
Guinsoo's Rageblade: Attaks grant 3% AS (stacks infinitely)
Luden's Echo: Spells deal 100 splash damage on hit
Locket of the Solari: Adjacent allies gain a shield of 200 HP
Ionic Spark: Enimies take 100 damage after casting a spell
Morellonomicon: Spells apply burn: 10% of enemies max HP/s
Wearer is also a Sorcerer
Recurve Bow: +20% AS
Divine Sword: Each second: 5% change to only Critical Strike
Guinsoo's Rageblade: Attaks grant 3% AS (stacks infinitely)
Rapid Fire Cannon: Attacks cannot be dodged. 2x Attack Range
Statikk Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals 100 splash damage
Phantom Dancer: Wearer dodges all critical strikes
Cursed Blade: Attacks have a small change to Shrink (-1*)
Titanic Hydra: Atttacks deal 10% of wearer's max HP as splash damage
Blade of the Ruined King: Wearer is also Blademaster
Tear of the Goddess: +20 Mana
Spear of Shojin: After spell cast: Attacks give 20% of max Mana
Luden's Echo: Spells deal 100 splash damage on hit
Statikk Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals 100 splash damage
Seraph's Embrace: Gain 20 Mana each time a spell is cast
Frozen Heart: Adjacent enemies lose 20% AS
Hush: Attacks have a high chance to Silence
Redemption: On death: Heal all nearby allies for 1000 HP
Wearer is also a Demon
Chain Vest: +20 Armour
Guardian Angel: Wearer gets revived with 300 HP (one time)
Locket of the Solari: Adjacent allies gain a shield of 200 HP
Phantom Dancer: Wearer dodges all critical strikes
Frozen Heart: Adjacent enemies lose 20% AS
Thornmail: Reflect 25% of damage from attacks
Sword Breaker: Attacks have a chance to Disarm
Red Buff: Attacks deal 10% burn damage
Knight's Vow: Wearer is also a Knight
Negatron Cloak: +20 Magic Resist
Bloodthirster: attacks heal for 50% of damage
Ionic Spark: Enimies take 100 damage after casting a spell
Cursed Blade: Attacks have a small change to Shrink (-1*)
Hush: Attacks have a high chance to Silence
Sword Breaker: Attacks have a chance to Disarm
Dragon's Claw: Gain 83% resistance to magic damage
Zephyr: On start of combat: Banish an enemy for 5s
Runaan's Hurricane: Attack 2 extra targets with 50% of damage
Giant's Belt: +200 HP
Zeke's Herald: Adjacent allies gain +10% AS
Morellonomicon: Spells apply burn: 10% of enemies max HP/s
Titanic Hydra: Atttacks deal 10% of wearer's max HP as splash damage
Redemption: On death: Heal all nearby allies for 1000 HP
Red Buff: Attacks deal 10% burn damage
Zephyr: On start of combat: Banish an enemy for 5s
Warmog's Armor: Regenerate 2.5% of max HP/s
Frozen Mallet: Wearer is also Glacial
Golden Spatula: ???
Youmuu's Ghostblade: Wearer is also an Assasin
Wearer is also a Sorcerer
Blade of the Ruined King: Wearer is also Blademaster
Wearer is also a Demon
Knight's Vow: Wearer is also a Knight
Runaan's Hurricane: Attack 2 extra targets with 50% of damage
Frozen Mallet: Wearer is also Glacial
Force of Nature: Gain +1 team size